Visit of Edirne City Council Women's Council Members to Our Center

      On the agenda of the meeting held in our center with Edirne City Council Women's Council Members, there were collaborations with the projects launched by our Social Responsibility Center and Women's Issues Application and Research Center. The social responsibility project carried out by our center recently “40. Regarding the “40 Women 40 Works in a Year”, City Council Women Councilors expressed their appreciation by stating that this project is a very beneficial project for the society and our women.


       Discussions were held on what kind of projects could be done together that could solve women's problems. Regarding this visit, our Center Director Assoc. Dr. Semiha KARTAL expressed her great happiness and thanked the visitors. However, he stated that our Central Directorate is always open to cooperation in projects that can be done on this subject. Deputy Director of Social Responsibility Research and Application Center, Head of Health, Culture and Sports Department, Lect. See. Burak İŞÇİMEN also attended our meeting and stated that they are always there for us with the support of our Center in every way.


       After the meeting, our guests were shown the "Kızılay Boutique", which was prepared in cooperation with the Red Crescent and our Department of Health, Culture and Sports.

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This content was issued on 30.03.2022 and has been viewed for 74 times.